Hi, I am Gerke.
I love tech & t(h)inkering
About me
Technology is my biggest passion. I enjoy discovering new technologies; especially looking for possibilities and ways they can help us create a better life for everyone.
Since I was 8 years old, I have been both breaking and fixing computers. Around the same time I started building websites (back then, those were the classic each-page-has-a-different-background-color type websites).
Nowadays, I use my skills mostly to build web apps and innovate or automate my work.
I love creating – it doesn’t even matter much what it is as long as it will serve a purpose.
Sometimes it’s repurposing old furniture; other times a simple IoT-device or prototype. Other times it’s more artistic, like a lamp made from dried leaves or a DIY loft bed.
Empathy connects us and helps us cope with situations in life.
I believe that we as society woul benefit from more empathy and especially products that facilitate interpersonal empathy.
I take every opportunity to empower empathy through technology; combining the best of both worlds: the deep sense of connection from empathy, and the high adaptability and availability of technology.
Travel & photography
The picture in the background was shot from an open door in moving a train in India.I love to travel and explore. And when I do, I enjoy taking my camera with me to document my journey.
In fact, all the pictures on this page were shot by me (except for the ones with my face in them 🙃)
Some of my projects
More projects can be found in the past projects.
Get in touch
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